Do you feel anxious?

You aren’t alone.

75% of women aged between 45 and 55 years suffer from symptoms of menopause.

Source: Academic Committee of the Korean Society of Menopause, Lee SR, Cho MK, Cho YJ, Chun S, Hong SH, Hwang KR, Jeon GH, Joo JK, Kim SK, Lee DO, Lee DY, Lee ES, Song JY, Yi KW, Yun BH, Shin JH, Chae HD, Kim T. The 2020 Menopausal Hormone Therapy Guidelines. J Menopausal Med. 2020 Aug;26(2):69-98. doi: 10.6118/jmm.20000.

Women experience the menopausal period in different ways:


Barely any symptoms


Only mild symptoms


Severe symptoms

Learn more facts about menopause


Am I at the menopause?

There is no set start or end date to your menopause. This transition is not a quick process and can last for a number of years depending on your body. This is because menopause has officially happened once you have gone a full year without menstruation.

Take our 5 minute test

Which of the following symptoms do you experience?

Mood Swings
Brain Fog
Night Sweat
Irregular Heartbeat
Weight Gain
Decreased Libido
Muscle Tensions
Vaginal Symptoms
Check your symptoms

Menopause stories

Women are unique, as are their stories

There is a common perception about the progression of menopause ("hot flashes in my 50s, when I'm old") but for most women it seems to be far from the truth: it's a transition starting much earlier and much more differently than anticipated.

About us

Our goal is to break down the walls

We work hard on research, development, innovation and education every day, to bring down all taboos and myths standing in the way of women getting the care they deserve.